the Cause

Core Identity Theory of Disproportionate Maladaptation Among African Americans:  "we blacks can explain our disproportionate maladaptation primarily as a function of our core identity and character, both flawed, and the associated lack of a "series of average expectable environments" wherein, foremost, family life is valued and our children provided a 'hallowed presence' (security and love), our IQ lag, though curtailing our achievement in certain domains and though helping to explain some disparate outcomes -- ordinarily -- not exerting a decisive influence."  [Rempson book, p. 38]


Core Identity

Many of us do not have a positive core identity -- and the sound character associated with it -- because we have not been brought up in "average expectable environments," especially in average expectable "home" environments.



Dysfunctional behavior has impeded the academic success of our students and the stability of our homes and communities.



Black leaders' vilification of Booker T. Washington's Self-Responsibility Tradition, and their idolization of DuBois's System-Responsibility Tradition, have resulted in a civil-rights fixation which has curtailed the creation of the "average expectable environments" required for family stability and the forging of a positive core identity.

Cute African American father and son smiling in an outdoor park - lots of green background. Playing T Ball.

The roots of it all

Political correctness and racial sensitivity have combined to heap disrepute upon any analysis which looks within and places blame for our crisis and problems, not just on the system, but also on us African Americans. As a result, we get a flow of flawed analyses and failed prescriptions. The Foundation's founder has tried to avoid these shortcomings. Foremost, the causes are openly and honestly addressed, and they lead -- not so much to the system -- but to our own identity, character, and tradition.

Now we can turn to the cure for those causes.

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